Code: 085-T2031U
To continue our quest to provide unique products to the Denture Specialists of North America, we are distributing the anterior line of our Major Plus Comp(osite) teeth. These newly designed anterior teeth are made in three layers. Dentine and cervical in acrylic, enamel in composite material.
Some Overdentures which are now also called Hybrid dentures may require Anterior teeth which are tubular in shape, especially in the neck and upper body. This is done mainly to fill the interdental space, eliminating the non esthetic black triangle.
This product competes head to head with the Anterior composite teeth made by the following brands :
This Major product, however, offers many positive advantages when compared with the competition:
Major Plus Comp Anterior teeth are offered in 10 upper and 4 lower molds in 3 different types of sizes: S (Small), M (Medium) and B (BIG).
Shade range is only in Vita Hues. Made in Italy, distributed in North America by American Tooth Industries.