Flatback Plastic Slotted Facings
Justi Imperial Facings are made of the same wear-resistant formula as our Justi Imperial tooth line. The facings are available in a selection of Imperial shades and are pigmented to match the shade guide when used with a standard metallic backing. The advantages of plastic facings are:
- Freedom from breakage. They will not chip or fracture while being ground-in and will not break in normal mouth service.
- Elimination of glazing after grinding to tissue adaptation. Polishing restores the surface so that it is well tolerated by mucosa. Porcelain must be reglazed to prevent irritation.
- Adaptability. They may be easily ground to any shape, recarved on the labial or characterized. In case of extreme resorption, pink material may be added to the gingival with a pleasing effect.
- Superior aesthetics. They have distinctive anatomy and fidelity of shade. Justi Imperial Facings may be ground to any shape and can be characterized or recarved on the labial to match adjoining teeth. A preformed plastic backing is available and can be easily modified.
Justi Imperial Facings have 37 popular molds. 16 Upper Centrals and Laterals and 6 Lower Centrals and Laterals. 12 Upper Cuspids and 3 Lower Cuspids.
Justi Imperial Facings are available in 8 popular Imperial shades: 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69, 77 and 81
Plastic Backings
Justi Plastic Backings provide a plastic support guide pattern for the construction of an accurate metal backi8ng for Justi Flatback Plastic Facings. Available in blue and one size only. Total Burn out Elimination.