Imperial Shades
Code: 070-10-1000
Content: 070-15-0810 070-15-0820 070-08-0001
Pyroplast, a unique veneering material that has unmatched physical and aesthetic properties, represents the closest step yet toward recreating the vitality of natural dentition. With Pyroplast, you will enjoy the benefits of fabricating single or multiple units in crown and bridge work, with ease and minimal time, while achieving a desirable restoration. Pyroplast material is a polyglycol dimethacrylate that provides superior strength and dental aesthetics.
Resin Veneering - Excellent physical and aesthetic properties. A build-up type material with no wax-up, no investing and no boil-out. Available in shades 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 81, 82, Incisal A, Incisal B and Transparent Overlay.
Pyropaquer - A paint-on opaquer for masking metal in veneer crowns. In shades white, brown, yellow, gray, pink and preshaded (shade 62).
Pyrostain - For personalizing veneer jackets. In shades white, brown, yellow, gray, blue, pink, light orange and dark orange.
Pyroplast Technique - Pyroplast has antiquated all routine handling procedures for standard plastic veneering materials. With special accurately controlled low heat furnace (Pyro-Oven) and a temperature controlled forced air blower (Pyro-Heater), the veneer build-up is similar to porcelain. The pyroplast technic eliminates the time consuming procedures of wax-up and flasking. The veneering material is applied directly to metal and cured by accessory equipment, producing a restoration of optimum quality in minimum time.
16 - 1 oz. bottles Pyroplast Powder in Imperial Shades: 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 81, 82, Incisal A, Incisal B and Transparent overlay.
6 - 1/4 oz. bottles Pyropaquer in shades white, brown, yellow, gray, pink, and pre-shaded (shade 62).
8 - 1/4 oz. bottles Pyrostain in shades white, brown, yellow, gray, blue, pink, light orange and dark orange.
2 - 1 oz. bottles Pyroliquid
1 - Imperial Shade Guide, 2 - Sable brushes (#0 and #2)
4 - Dappen Dishes with Tray
1 - Eye Dropper
1 - Instruction Manual
The Dappen Dishes and the Sable Brushes are not available for reorder.